The 4th year students explore formative assessment

> Seara > The 4th year students explore formative assessment

Alex Costa  

Two weeks ago, the 4th year students started to explore formative assessment. Their journey has just begun and they have a long way to travel, but they are definitely on their way!

Our 4th year students have been exploring self-assessment and goal setting. After speaking activities, the students have been asked to analyse their strengths and weakness in a self-assessment form. Then, they’ve used these weaknesses to decide what they need to improve and how they’re going to improve. Students were given the challenge of choosing and implementing one or two learning strategies related to their objectives. The first time we tried this process, many students forgot to use their strategies and they were very disappointed! So, the next time we did self-assessment and goal setting, the students wrote their objectives and strategies on a star that was displayed on the classroom wall…  quite a few had remembered to use their learning strategy and many had asked their friends and family to help them! More importantly, many said they felt they had improved!

Have they all mastered self-assessment? Of course not! But they’re all on their own unique journey to get there! 

Alex Costa | Professora